Command line options for the Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows CLI

What are the command line options for the Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows CLI?



direct.exe is the command that invokes the CLI

-fIdentifies the file that contains the logon configuration information used to automatically connect to a Connect:Direct Windows Server
-nspecifies the Connect:Direct Windows NodeName or IPADDRESS;API-PORT (semi-colon between the IPADDRESS and API-PORT)
-uspecifies the USERID with which to connect to the Connect:Direct Windows node
-pspecifies the password with which to connect to the Connect:Direct Windows node
-mspecifies the number of lines to display before pausing the statistic and Process information output
-xechoes the command input on the standard out (stdout). This option is mainly used when sending output to a file
-zcopies command output to the filename you specify as well as displaying the output
-lDo not truncate output lines after 128 characters. By default, direct.exe is limiting its output to 128 characters per line and long file names or sysopts may get truncated, like for a Select Statistics Detail=yes command.
-?Provides help for the Command Line Interface (CLI)

The CLI is invoked in one of three ways:

1. If the Client Connection Utility has been configured for a default node and USERID, for example CDUSER, then the CLI can be invoked by typing “direct” at a command prompt or by selecting the “Command Line Interface” shortcut from the Start menu.

2. Type “direct” at the command prompt as before but with switches that tell the CLI what node to attach to and with what USERID. The format is as follows:

direct –nNodeName or IPADDRESS;port –uUSERID –pPWD –zOutputfile.txt
(for example direct –n207.66.26.55;1363 –uCDUSER –pCDUSER –zclilog.txt)

3. Have the LCU configured with the proper credentials. NodeName, IPADDR, API PORT, USERID, Password. This will be written to a default filename called cddef.bin. This cddef.bin file contains all your logon information so no parameter values are specified in text mode on the command line. To invoke the CLI after the LCU is configured, the format is as follows: